Many people tend to use the terms emotional support and therapy dog interchangeably. We can also add the term service dog to the mix. There’s a difference between these types of dogs. Dogs have been helping and working with humans since ancient times in plenty of activities, such as farming, herding, protection, hunting, and more. Dogs are known to be the most loving and comforting pets. They love being close to humans and have a natural ability to empathize with us, humans. They can help us get through emotional distress and stay happy. It can be quite confusing to know what type of dog you need between an emotional support dog and a therapy dog. This is probably due to a lack of understanding of the roles that are fulfilled by service dogs, emotional support dogs, and therapy dogs.
These dogs have important services they render or roles that they fulfill. The terms are not interchangeable, and in this article, we’ll define each one of these terms, what you need to know about them. Keep reading to learn more about Emotional Support Dog Vs Therapy Dog.
What is an Emotional Support Dogs
Emotional support dogs or emotional support animals (ESAs) are animals that help you calm down, provide comfort and company. If you have a dog at home, he has probably helped you calm down from an emotional situation once or twice. These dogs can help you get through emotional distress such as depression and can help you to stay more active.
An ESA can be included in a medical treatment plan since they provide their owners with the company, relieve loneliness, and can help people deal with anxiety. Emotional support dogs do not require special training as their primary role is to provide companionship, comfort, and affection to their humans.
ESAs are more than just house pets as they fulfill a higher purpose. These pets can be given an ESA letter from a licensed mental health professional which allows them access to “no-pets policy” housing and in the cabin of airplanes.
Emotional dogs accompany humans who have been diagnosed with an emotional, mental, or psychological disorder such as anxiety, depression, or panic attacks. Most of these animals have strong bonds with their humans, have a calming presence that provides comfort and relieves stress, and are obedience trained.
Can Emotional Support Animals Go Anywhere

Up until recently, emotional support dogs were allowed to travel in the cabin of an airplane with their humans. These ESAs have attracted a lot of attention, as many pet owners claimed their pets as an ESA just to get them on airplanes for free. Airplanes used to allow all types of emotional support animals, but this became a problem after pet owners started obtaining fake IDs and certificates from unauthorized websites. This abuse led to the enforcement of stricter guidelines that do not allow emotional support animals onboard anymore.
Emotional support animals are allowed access to a no-pets housing policy. The Fair Housing Act makes it clear that the owner of the building or home should not charge you any extra for the emotional support animal, however, the animal is expected to behave in an orderly manner.
Also, emotional support animals must be allowed to college dorms and campus housing to live with their humans.
While ESAs have certain legal protections, unlike certified service dogs, they do not have the same rights and privileges when it comes to public access.
For instance, hotels, restaurants, and Airbnbs are required to allow emotional support animals since these stays are considered temporary housing. However, you can always contact them to enquire politely. If you demonstrate that your ESA is well-trained and well-behaved, hotels and Airbnbs might allow your ESA to stay with you.
Also, employers are not required to allow emotional support animals into the workplace. You can also demonstrate to your manager that your ESA is well potty trained and always under your control to be allowed into the workplace.
How to Get Emotional Support Animal?
We’ve already seen that emotional support animals provide so many benefits to their owners, but to enjoy these benefits you will need to be diagnosed and obtain a prescription from a mental health professional. The prescription states the mental health condition that you have and your pet helps you deal with.
You also need a pet, but as earlier mentioned, it doesn’t need special training to get it certified as an ESA. Decide what pet is best for you and adopt one from one of the local places of adoption.
Therapy Dog
Therapy dogs fulfill a different role than emotional support dogs or ESAs. These dogs together with their owners volunteer in facilities such as mental health institutions, hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and hospices to provide comfort and affection to patients.
When patients spend time with these dogs they may experience reduced anxiety, lower blood pressure, and heart rate, and even increased endorphins oxytocin. They do not require high training like the service dogs, however, they are trained to remain calm and comfortable in new environments and to interact with new different people.
Therapy dogs do not have the same legal rights as service dogs to access public places. These dogs should be trained, insured, and licensed by the non-profit organization that’s offering their services.
Your dog can become a therapy dog if you’re thinking about volunteering your dog to provide comfort, and affection to patients in various facilities. You can find an organization that tests dogs for their suitability to become therapy dogs. If your dog is accepted there are guidelines that must be adhered to.

Now you know the difference between emotional support dogs vs therapy dogs. Emotional support dogs or ESAs provide comfort, calmness, and company to their owners. They don’t require any special training and usually have strong bonds with their owners. They are perfect for people with emotional or mental disorders, such as anxiety, panic attacks, or depression. Therapy dogs are used to provide comfort and affection to people in various facilities such as hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, and mental health institutions.
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